Monday, 24 October 2011

XE to ERP9 upgrade–Table conversions estimates

How long do you think F0911 conversion will take from XE to ERP9 – out of the box…  No smarts no nothing for 41000000 records.  This is on an AS/400 with V7R1 and plenty of memory and 1.1 CPU allocation.  (Note that this particular conversion only ever took up about 30% of CPU).

5h 33m or 333 minutes, nice number!

You would agree with me that that is a long time, and perhaps too long for some people.  How could you improve that time?  Most of the time is taken generating the 25 indexes that are required for F0911.  Unfortunately the indexes are run synchronously and without any parallelism (or default parallelism which is important for those of you that have enterprise edition of Oracle).

What I tend to do for these large (and simple) conversions is manually run the SQL (which is generally a join between the T and the base table) and do it all with as much parallelism as my system can handle.  This can improve performance of 333 minutes down to less than 1 hour.

F03B11 with 6.5 million takes about 64 minutes


soumen said...

Hi Shanon,

I am also looking ways to optimze the Table Conversion process specifically the F0911 TC. Is there nay UBE which I can check to analyze the logic and then construct my SQL.

Thanks for your reply.


Shannon Moir said...

There are heaps of ways of making this quicker. Essentially this process is removing the tag file. You could perform the same tasks with manual SQL or using alter table statements with "add column" then manual updates. You get a lot of time back by generating indexes in parallel too.