Friday, 27 November 2009

P98613 – low level cache awesomeness

What a cracker of a table controlling a cracker of a concept.  How many rows of each table is going to be cached by JDE.  It’s often a problem that a customer changes a period for a customer and it takes hours for this to propagate through the JDE infrastructure, not matter how often you clear the web cache.

Remember that we deal with two very distinct caches in JDE. 

1.  JDBj based cache (clear cache from SM or SAW)

2.  JDE middleware cache  (wsj – row exit for clear cache)*

*I’ve seen this one crash servers so be careful

If you have constant problems with particular tables (F0010 company master for example), fire up P98613.  Take F0010 out of the table.  Not more caching of company information.

Remember that this is a system table, not a data table..  So if you change it in DV, it’s going to change it EVERYWHERE!

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