Monday, 5 October 2009

Server manager keeps crashing… why…

I looked and looked through metalink3, could not find a thing.

Searched for server manager crash, server manager stable, SM console – everything I could think of and came up with nothing.

Talked to colleague A (let’s call them Shae") who mentioned something from colleague B (let’s call them Brendan) that there is a blog entry from associate C (Let’s call them Clayton).

Looks like this is the likely candidate.  Now, can I reverse engineer a search string to get this out of metalink3 ??

Aaarrrrgggghhhh, first time.  Search for “installManagementConsoleService.bat” and get 3 relevant articles.  That REALLY sucks.  I did a lot of searches and came up with nothing.  If I could find my search history, you’d have a laugh.

Anyways, this looks like the link

Not wanting to breach any copyright, the following is a suggested solution:

There are two methods to correct this issue.  The first method is recommended since it does not involve editing the registry manually and it also ensures that the Server Manager install script gets modified so if it is rerun in the future, it will add the service correctly.  Method 2, however, is likely the quickest work around.

Method 1:
1) Make the following change in the installManagementConsoleService.bat which is located in your JDE_HOME\bin directory of the Server Manager machine:



(note the addition of -Xrs)

This change REQUIRES that -Xrs come just after -Xmx512m.

2) Ensure that the Server Manager service is currently stopped.

3) Open a command prompt, and go to your JDE_HOME\bin directory

4) After the service uninstalls successfully, run:
installManagementConsoleService.bat PASSWORD

where PASSWORD is your original jde_admin password.

5) Start the service.  It should now remain running after you log out.

Method 2:
1) Open the registry editor

2) Locate the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\SCFMngmtConsole1\Parameters\Start 

where SCFMngmtConsole1 is the last part of the display name of the service

Set the "Params" to:
(note the addition of -Xrs)

This change REQUIRES that -Xrs come just after -Xmx512m.

3) Start the service.  It should now remain running after you log out.

1 comment:

Shae said...

Nice associates