Thursday, 22 October 2009

21CFR11 and v$session

Okay, so I guess this is probably another big lesson in “reading the documentation” – it bores me even typing that line!

We’ve got a problem enabling 21CRF11 in prod, it seems that it’s permissions to v$session for the data owner – which is the guy that runs the trigger.  So proddta user needs permissions to V$SESSION.  Cannot find much doco anywhere on this, but hey – this is what we needed last time.  Note that the JDE user also needs CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE ANY TRIGGER.  Good article on how to grant access to v$session

I’m pretty sure that this is going to sort things out, but because I don’t have SYS permissions, I cannot do this grant, even as JDEDBA.

One of the final triggers has the following errors:

ORA-00942 table or view does not exist line 15, same again for 31.

Of course these line numbers don’t mean anything either…

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