Monday, 31 August 2009

Recompress specs

sign into dep server DEP812 environment goto GH9083

package build history.

Find your package (oh err!)

Open latest date, client, compression options and choose spec (note that is all I want to compress)

Choose “Reset status”

Change to 01|01 and reset

Highlight word client and then resubmit build

Choose cancel on the “Generate NER” popup.

And OK

**Note that I had this problem a couple of times.  I could not delete the file, so did a NET SESSION command on the deployment server and then deleted any of the SESSIONS that came up in the list.

I then submitted the recompress again:

I’m my situation, the following log (CompressErrors.txt) in the package main directory

31/08/2009 01:03:58 1 FCIAddFile() failed: code 4 [Could not create a temporary file]

31/08/2009 01:03:58 1 System error code (errno): 13, Permission denied

31/08/2009 01:03:58 1 The file that cannot be added is: <\\XX\E812\DV812\package\DV812GF\spec\SPEC_DV812GF.mdf>

1 comment:

rgz said...

Nice blog.
Too many clicks for the recompress mate.. Easier to just run/schedule jdecompress.exe from a .bat -