Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Tiered deployment locations

This is a fairly easy thing to set up, it’s especially good if you have central objects that are remote to your production server and deployment server.

When I say this is easy, there is one little thing that I’ve forgotten before and has created no end of grief. 

Sure you can go into the pathcode master and change the location of the central objects, and seemingly you are nearly there…  Do the same in the planner environment, or ESU’s won’t go on right.

The thing that you need to remember to do is UPDATE object librarian F9861 before you apply any ESU’s and before anything is checked in, otherwise you will start to get duplicates – and this is a little hard to fix after a few months.

select simkey, count(1) from ol812.f9861 where sipathcd = 'PY812' and sistce = '1' group by simkey

The above SQL will ensure that there is currently only one name being used as a deployment location.  Then update the old with the new and you should be fine.

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