Tuesday, 5 May 2009

64 bit oracle, 64 bit windows, what are the limitations

This took me a long time to find.  I don’t really know why…  Perhaps I’m a little thick…

Anyway, I wanted to find something that would unequivocally tell me that I can have an SGA of 32GB (or some other very large number) using oracle 10G 64 bit with windows 64bit OS.  I could not find it anywhere, until…  I found it on a blog…  Doh.

Let me know if you know where I can get it from the horses mouth (so to speak).

General Memory Limits



Total Virtual Address Space

4 GB

16 TB

Virtual Address Space per 32-bit process

2GB (3 GB if system is booted with /3gb switch)

4GB if compiled with /LARGEADDRESSAWARE 2GB otherwise

Virtual Address Space per 64-bit process

Not applicable

8 TB

Paged Pool

470 MB

128 GB

Non-Paged Pool

256 MB

128 GB

System Cache

1 GB

1 TB

Physical Memory and CPU Limits



Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003


32 GB / 1-4 CPUs

Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition

4 GB / 1-4 CPUs

32 GB / 1-4 CPUs

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition

64 GB / 1-8 CPUs

1 TB / 1-8 CPUs

Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition

64 GB / 1-32 CPUs

1 TB / 1-64 CPUs

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