Friday, 3 October 2008

Some more generic tech notes that I need on the web

The below script will generate owner rename statements in SQLServer. I use them all the time for data refreshes. Just do database backup, restore and then run these puppies for DTA and CTL!

select 'EXEC sp_changeobjectowner ' + '''' + 'JDE_CRP.PRODDTA.' + +
'''' + ', ' + '''' + 'CRPDTA' + '''' + ';'
from sysobjects so, sysusers su
where like 'F%'
and so.xtype = 'U'
and su.uid = so.uid
and = 'PRODDTA'

Get your oracle version from the SQL command like:

select banner from v$version

Installing peoplebooks?
PSOL documentation code FFFFFFFFF1

start ftp on linux
service vsftpd start

service smb start

find and delete all files that are older than 6 days
find . -mtime +6 -print | xargs -i rm -f {}

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