Friday, 20 May 2022

JDE and IFTTT - post 1 triggers

 IFTTT is awesome - like really awesome.  I think that PowerAutomate would be awesome if I was an accountant, or an actuary - but IFTTT is a little more fun and seems to be more tactile.

I recently did a presentation at the innovation symposium on using IFTTT and JDE.  Unfortunately my demo did not go so well, so I thought that I would write a little more on the solution that we've put together for JDE and IFTTT.

Firstly, you need to understand some basics about IFTTT.

IF event occurs (see trigger) then perform action(s).  Easy...

So in my JDE examples, it could be the trigger or it could be the action - easy too.

Let's think about JDE being the trigger:

We need to write a standard connection to IFTTT trigger services, we have done this via a lambda based node project hosted in AWS using their API gateway...  Which BTW - is ULTRA cool.  We get to handle all of the security.

What you are quickly going to find is that JDE cannot talk native IFTTT - but you just need a little layer of coercion. - shows what you need to do.

But it's all pretty easy if you are a guru like my friend Max (May or may not be their real name).

So you can create your connection, which essentially calls your API gateway functions that manipulate the payload to talk native IFTTT.  Therefore you can implement your own quasi RTE functionality by overriding all of the OK buttons on JDE forms with form customisations which call orchestrations which get's to IFTTT via connectors and API gateway and lambda...  Simple hey?  What could possibly go wrong?

But it's really nice.

My triggers are pretty simple and have a payload too (or in IFTTT speak, ingredients)

So I can add items to the payload and use them in subsequent IFTTT processes.  So, in the example about.  I can override the WO entry screen to call P1 work order created.  I can ensure that only P1s are trapped, because I can used specific logic in the orchestration to control that.

Therefore my trigger is fired and IFTTT is listening for this with it's magic.  It then looks at it's applets to see what to do when this trigger event receives a payload.

AS you can see from above, I have just automated the fact that when an urgent P1 WO is created in JDE, I get an SMS message.  That is pretty cool.  I could choose many actions, I could email partners or suppliers based on the equipment.  So many nice options are available for me to automate processes out of JDE.

I could illuminate lights and change flapz boards too.  Really easy to get up and running.

I will over off JDE as the "action" creator in my next blog entry.

We will look to publish this capability publicly in time, currently it's all working for our demo system.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never came to my mind to integrate iftt with jade, nice one!