Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Remove pesky e1pages in bulk

This is cool, and you might need it!  SVds helped me (actually gave me this).

This will secure out all E1pages.  Sometimes they are slow and mostly admin don't want them.  If there are 100s (like you have UXOne), then you want to get rid of them all!

You cannot add a security record to hide *ALL for E1PAGES - annoying!

So delete them and add them with this SQL!   Happy Daze!

delete from sy920.f00950w where WSWOSETY = 'VIEW' and WSWOUSER = 'SM00001';

Insert into sy920.f00950w
select distinct '1589869974:'||rownum,'VIEW',WOWOTYP,'NOE1PAGES','*ALL','*ALL','*ALL',WOWOBNM,'*ALL','*ALL','','','0','','','','','','','','','','','','SM00001','W00950UOP','F5PLAY1',to_date('19-MAY-20','DD-MON-RR'),'','',WOWOOBNMS,0,0,'','','','','','',0,0,null,null
from ol920.f9860W where WOWOTYP in ('COMPOSITE','E1PAGE');

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