Friday, 24 May 2019

Cool SQL queries for rows and indexes

always forget some of the basic SQL Server catalogs, so this is going to help me next time:

Query to get the current index definitions from the database.  Remember that you can cross reference this with some of this knowledge: (namely F98712 & F98713)

Remember that all index definitions do not need to be in specs (really – sorry if you disagree), performance based indexes can sit happily in the database and do not need to be put through the SDLC.  Let's be honest, the creation process is horrendous in JDE!

The query below when cross referenced with F98712 and F98713 could tell you missing or incorrect indexes with a single statement.  Though you could also run R9698711 and R9698713 to help you out.

select i.[name] as index_name,
    substring(column_names, 1, len(column_names)-1) as [columns],
    case when i.[type] = 1 then 'Clustered index'
        when i.[type] = 2 then 'Nonclustered unique index'
        when i.[type] = 3 then 'XML index'
        when i.[type] = 4 then 'Spatial index'
        when i.[type] = 5 then 'Clustered columnstore index'
        when i.[type] = 6 then 'Nonclustered columnstore index'
        when i.[type] = 7 then 'Nonclustered hash index'
        end as index_type,
    case when i.is_unique = 1 then 'Unique'
        else 'Not unique' end as [unique],
    schema_name(t.schema_id) + '.' + t.[name] as table_view,
    case when t.[type] = 'U' then 'Table'
        when t.[type] = 'V' then 'View'
        end as [object_type]
from sys.objects t
    inner join sys.indexes i
        on t.object_id = i.object_id
    cross apply (select col.[name] + ', '
                    from sys.index_columns ic
                        inner join sys.columns col
                            on ic.object_id = col.object_id
                            and ic.column_id = col.column_id
                    where ic.object_id = t.object_id
                        and ic.index_id = i.index_id
                            order by col.column_id
                            for xml path ('') ) D (column_names)
where t.is_ms_shipped <> 1
and index_id > 0
order by i.[name]

Provices something like
index_name columns    index_type unique     table_view     object_type
F0000194_PK     SYEDUS, SYEDBT, SYEDTN, SYEDLN   Clustered index     Unique     NULL Table
F0002_PK   NNSY Clustered index Unique     NULL Table
F00021_PK  NLKCO, NLDCT, NLCTRY, NLFY Clustered index Unique     NULL Table
F00022_PK  UKOBNM     Clustered index Unique     NULL Table
F0004_2    DTSY, DTRT, DTUSEQ    Nonclustered unique index     Unique     NULL Table
F0004_PK   DTSY, DTRT Clustered index Unique     NULL Table
F0004D_PK  DTSY, DTRT, DTLNGP    Clustered index Unique     NULL     Table
F0005_2    DRSY, DRRT, DRKY, DRDL02   Nonclustered unique index     Unique     NULL Table
F0005_3    DRSY, DRRT, DRDL01    Nonclustered unique index  Not unique     NULL Table
F0005_PK   DRSY, DRRT, DRKY Clustered index Unique     NULL     Table

SELECT AS [TableName]
      , SUM(sPTN.Rows) AS [RowCount]
      [RRCDBSP01\JDE920].[JDE_PRODUCTION].[sys].[objects] AS sOBJ
      INNER JOIN [RRCDBSP01\JDE920].[JDE_PRODUCTION].[sys].[partitions] AS sPTN
            ON sOBJ.object_id = sPTN.object_id
      sOBJ.type = 'U'
      AND sOBJ.is_ms_shipped = 0x0
      AND index_id < 2 -- 0:Heap, 1:Clustered
ORDER BY [TableName]

Tables that are not in JDE, but are in the database:

       SELECT AS [TableName]
      , SUM(sPTN.Rows) AS [RowCount]
      JDE_PRODUCTION].[sys].[objects] AS sOBJ
      INNER JOIN [JDE_PRODUCTION].[sys].[partitions] AS sPTN
            ON sOBJ.object_id = sPTN.object_id
      sOBJ.type = 'U'
      AND sOBJ.is_ms_shipped = 0x0
      AND index_id < 2 -- 0:Heap, 1:Clustered
       AND not exists (select 1 from [JDE920].[OL920].[F9860] ol WHERE ol.siobnm = and ol.sifuno = 'TBLE')

Tables that are in:

       SELECT AS [TableName]
      , SUM(sPTN.Rows) AS [RowCount]
      JDE_PRODUCTION].[sys].[objects] AS sOBJ
      INNER JOIN [JDE_PRODUCTION].[sys].[partitions] AS sPTN
            ON sOBJ.object_id = sPTN.object_id
      sOBJ.type = 'U'
      AND sOBJ.is_ms_shipped = 0x0
      AND index_id < 2 -- 0:Heap, 1:Clustered
       AND exists (select 1 from [JDE920].[OL920].[F9860] ol WHERE ol.siobnm = and ol.sifuno = 'TBLE')

Stolen from:

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