Thursday, 26 November 2015

AIS based coolness

You are probably aware that we've done quite a bit of bespoke development in the enterprise mobility space.  I've banged on about it enough.  We have a work orders application that does GPS tracking, generic file attachments, powerful search functionality and offline caching...  do I need to say more.  This app would probably cook you breakfast if you set the PO's correctly.

But... I had to demo this app to another client and they were on - fair enough, but the stinko AIS was only released in - we have a problem!

I was not about to install / upgrade their environment just for my demo - they wanted their data on the app - which is also appropriate.  So, I decided to install an AIS server and and a HTML server at and see how it went.  of course I was also going to use the JDBJ bootstrap data source to point to different serialised objects, because I think that different tools serialisation might cause me some problems down the track with the existing PY environment.

A very small amount of hacking had me up and going on the latest tools release (well and using AIS against a enterprise server.  I know you are all going - but but butt...  BUT - it works and it saves me a lot of time.  I've not contaminated the standard environment at all.  I've not had to put on a single ESU - coz all I want is the extra AIS power!

I would recommend this approach to anyone spending time developing in AIS, as the newer tools releases expose a lot more functionality.  Create a little "Island of AIS" [you can use that] so that your developers are not going to need to create depreciated code from the start.

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