Friday, 29 August 2014

Enhancements to Performance benchmark suite

I’ve been working on performance benchmark lately based upon clients feedback, so things are looking good.


It’s now more likely to work with older releases (8.12 etc), as I commoditised some of the DD items that I’m using and don’t used more advanced BSFNs.  If you are on an older release, try and run P55PERFB instead of P55PERFT.  Releasing code for multiple releases is painful, I guess I could do it a little better with “C” and not need a couple of versions, watch this space.


We’re close to having the first 400 site running too.  Please, if you are running big unix – it’s be great to have some results from you!  I want to see how the RISC procs chew through the BSFN workload.

The data is coming in and it’s very exciting (in a nerdy way).  We have clients with problems in certain tiers.  Once client had the fastest results in many categories, but the slowest Web by far.  We’re able to tell them to look into the web server and config (or we can) to assist them get this quicker! 

The suite is also providing better reporting back to me, as the old XML document was proving too hard to interpret.


Above is a snippet of sample data, what you can see is for the 6 different sites above, we’ve got the average duration and standard deviation for the 3 (of 41) tests as defined by the suite.  We are able to tell who is average and who is above average.  Soon we’ll be able to tell you what technology gives the fastest JD Edwards results.

So, if you want to know how fast your JD Edwards is, please download and run the application:

You can download the latest version of the software from the link above.

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