Tuesday, 24 May 2011

How to find the program, menu etc from this truncated screen shot

Ever been sent a screen shot of an error and you’ve had no way of determining where in the app this is from?  Well here are some basic and essential hints for tracking down the screen.

Remember that there are two elements of text above every form, firstly the menu identifier that launched the parent application and secondly the name of the form that the user is currently on.  From this you can generally track down where the user was.


How to work out the program from this information:

The components are:

Part of text

How to find details

“All WO”

Select TMOBNM from PS_PROD.PRODCTL.F9000 where TMLNGTASK = 'All WO' ;

“Work Order Activity Rules Search & Select”

Select SWFMNM from ps811.OL811.F9865 where SWMD = 'Work Order Activity Rules Search & Select' ;

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