Friday, 29 October 2010

Feeling Blue? End of an Era…

On the 21/10/2010 Oracle announced that blue stack “reselling” is not available for new JDE customers.  Watch this space for what it’s going to mean for existing customers – although lets be honest…  90% of people only use the web server.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

MSDEV 2008 and jde.ini

so after fighting and fighting to get msdev working with 2008 and windows 7 64 bit.  It seems that the solution is very simple.



Just comment out the section that references a Visual Studio version.  Works on the dep server and works on the fat client.

weblogic admin password for OVM templates

We’ve been doing a lot of work with the OVM templates and JDE and BPEL and BSSV and weblogic and about to start webcentre.  Wow, there is a lot of new toys to start playing with here.  We could not gain access to the weblogic console to check on some BSSV settings on the weblogic server for an 11G install.

Tried all of the defaults and the found:

which shows

ps -ef |grep -i weblogic | grep -i password

and revealed that the password is "ovsadminE1"

Phew, that was nice to get.  Now we are in the VERY cool weblogic console.


IFSIO and JDE BSFN compilation problems

So you want to use native IFS file IO functions in B34A1010, but of course you are on XE or ERP8…  Well, you’ve looked at the metalink3 and worked out that it’s probably not looking too flash.

Well, I’m about to make your stop perspiring and potentially start air punching, cause I’ve done all of the hard work for you.

build an update package on the enterprise server (AS/400) with the one BSFN as normal.

My update package was called DVIFSIO (to confuse you)

My parent package is DVFSERVER

Replace your module file with the following command, this is compiled with the SYSIFCOPT(*IFSIO) command – ready for native IFS IO


Then bang it into the CMFG SRVPGM with the following gem:


That’s it you say… Yep…  Well nearly.  This is going to update the SRVPGM in the update package dir.  You will need to copy that into the runtime dir (DV7333) for it to get picked up and used.

I’m certainly not advocating you use this without careful testing in non prod environments.  This is only one function.

This is only a work around, you can appreciate that you’d have to do this again after each full build.  The nice thing is that you can just do the UPDSRVPGM command (and you could do it to the live copy DV7333) after the build and deploy.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Usage tracking in jde

saw used to tell you the maximum connected user count for JDE and I think (correct me if I’m wrong) that you could also graph this for web servers.  This is web saw I’m talking about.

Is SM a step backwards in this area.  I cannot find stats on maximum connected users from SM, so I need to set up alerts to track the connected users information… 

The HISTORY=1 setting in the [SECURITY] section of the JDE.INI on the security server might be able to help.  It’ll show the login (01) and logout (02) records for users and record them in F9312.  This can be accessed from a form exit from P98OWSEC.

One of the guys here has written some scripts that download the information from SAW and graphs it – that is pretty cool!

Monday, 4 October 2010

running oracle install on linux (OEL)

I love it when things turn out to be much easier than I anticipate.

Graphical interface with linux is not really my thing, I like some old skool putty action myself.

But, when faced with a command line installation of 500 options or GUI “oracle installer”, I’m going to go GUI (gooey) every time.

when installing oracle products, I su to oracle in putty session.

vncserver at the command line


You will require a password to access your desktops.

xauth:  creating new authority file /home/oracle/.Xauthority

New 'E1WEB:1 (oracle)' desktop is E1WEB:1

Creating default startup script /home/oracle/.vnc/xstartup
Starting applications specified in /home/oracle/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /home/oracle/.vnc/E1WEB:1.log

You’ll get the following on the screen.  Just choose a password and then use the VNC client on your desktop (I use realVNC) to access the server.

Remember that you are given a unique identifier at the end (E1WEB:1) The :1 is very important when connecting.


BTW, windows 7 “snipping tool” IS totally awesome.  Great for multiple desktops and virtuals etc.