Tuesday, 7 September 2010

call stack jdenet kernels

If you are getting kernels failing (turning to Zombie), there are two places that you need to look:

1.  Look in the kernel logs themselves for any relevant messages

2.  Look in the jdenet logs, this will contain the "call stack" for the failure of the logic kernel.  This occurs on ALL platforms.









A call stack is read top down, so the faulting program in the above call stack is "CCORE.dll/UNKNOWN/GetDataDictionaryDefinition". 

From the logs, all kernels were failing with the same call stack, so it would seem from the name of the function that there is a problem with the PD812\dddict or ddtext files - or maybe glbltbl.

The above tells us that NER N4900080 function RouteShipment was calling NER N4900200 function LoadRoutingOptions and so on!  This is a deep callstack.

Note that the JDE logs had similar messages about DD spec problems.


Rajesh said...

I am getting zombie on runbatch regularly. I am not able to trace out. Also not able to find jdenet logs.
Can you provide quick suggestion

Shannon Moir said...

Hi Rajesh,
You should get something in the logs, but if you don't I'd look at the JDE.INI file settings [UBE] around exception handling. Depending on your OS, there are also things like core files or Dr Watsons to help you out, or job logs.

see https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxjbmNuaW5qYXxneDo0YTg2NmU1ODFiYjlmMzZl for the ini settings.

You might also just need to enable logging!
