When installing WebSphere Application Server 6.1.x on Windows Server 2008 x64 (64 bit), the installer might not recognize Windows Server 2008 as a supported operating system. You need to download the 32-bit version of the maintenance.xml file and replace each of the existing file for WebSphere Application Server, IBM HTTP Server and Web Server Plug-in products. Please refer to IBM reference doc ID: 1315370 for more details.
I love blogging about new technology appropriate for the enterprise. I want to change the face of innovation to embrace change, agility and promote an innovation culture.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Error updating smc on deployment server
Of course, it does not have to be the deployment server, you could have smc anywhere – but it does make sense.
I was trying to upgrade to and kept getting nothing! Just a screen flash.
Looked though the e1agent_0.log – never use notepad, get something that interprets carriage returns and NL chars and does not require exclusive access (come on microsoft, your combination of notepad and wordpad is a JOKE!!!). You might see what I did, “Illegal command –file”
A quick KG search of that exact statement told me to run the manual command:
c:\jde_home\targets\_staging\redeployManagementConsole.cmd <adminPasswordForSM>
Remember that the smc must be up and running for this to work, which was not clear in the oracle doco.
I’m now on the new release and continue my adventures.
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
opmnctl start as root accidently
Nothing worse than this. You’ve been good. You’ve been careful. everything is installed as jde812, the entire oracle SOA suite… JDE server manager, everything. And then you go and wreck it all by starting things up as root accidently… Then nothing will start as jde812 anymore… Doh!
Anyway, not too hard to recover from. Generally everything will be struggling to write logs. So not much will start. All you need to do is chown and chgrp all of the dirs back to the original user and owner. I generally go to the JDE_HOME dir for SM and the root dir for the oracle install and run:
chgrp –R jde812 *
chown –R jde812 *
Then jde owns all of the logs and other items that it needs to write to. You will then be able to start up the web servers and serverManager agent and go go go!
Thursday, 19 August 2010
The [JDENET_KERNEL_DEF1] section actually refers to an internal kernel that JDE Engineering (development) uses for debugging purposes. You do not need to autostart this kernel. The actual JDENET is controlled by the parameter maxNetProcesses that is found in section [JDENET].
The JDESNET process (on Windows) or the parent JDENET_N (on all other platforms) process is the one that gets started when you start JDE services. It has the capability to launch the required kernels and when request messages come in from clients.
Based on the message identifier the JDESNET/JDENET_N will decide which kernel will handle this message and if this kernel is not available it will start one automatically.
The only kernels that is usually set to autostart is the Scheduler kernel (this is one kernel that has to be set to autostart due to design complications), Call Object kernel (these are set to autostart only for performance purposes. These are not mandatory), Management Kernel (for Server Manager Runtime Metrics) and Metadata kernel (for EntepriseOne 8.12 and above releases only).
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
What options are being used??
Ever wanted to know what command line options are being passed into an executable, well now you can.
I wrote a tiny bit of code that’ll print all of the options out to stdout in a cmd window. If course this sort of thing is MUCH easier in unix, just echo $* inside a script.
The exe is here https://sites.google.com/site/cncninja/file-cabinet/printargs.rar?attredirects=0&d=1
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