Sunday, 25 January 2009

upgrade mayhem

So, I'm backing up for a big upgrade that is going on at the moment. Despite getting the table conversions wrong twice, we came across a good error. this is one that many people could get.

During the TC workbench, the TC UBE's run on the server. They use the PS DD, which may have different display decimals to the real DD. Now, here comes the funky bit. When the DD items are cached in the DDDICT, DDTEXT and GLBLTBL files on the server, they cache the pristine version. Note I also think that although you use the PS pathcode, because (on our system) PD812 was the default pathcode - these values were cached under the PD pathcode.

So, we've got prisine DD items cached against the PD812 pathcode. When users are testing all of the display decimals for entered data were all wrong!

All we needed to do is stop services on the ent server and delete the dddict, ddtext and glbltbl cache.

Start it back up, and everything worked like a peach. Note that this was also affecting cache repositories and creating strange errors with "Check Price".

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