Tuesday, 27 January 2009

orpaned SQLServer users

After database refreshes, you can run something like below:

sp_change_users_login @action='report'

sp_change_users_login @action='update_one', @usernamepattern='xedefault', @loginname='xedefault'

Package build and deploy

I've not seen before, and if someone told me that it was possible - I would not believe them. I don't know when it started... I hardly know anything about it, yet I think that it's real...

What am I talking about? When doing a package build, only choose one of your enterprise servers to build on (say you have 3 with the same architecture).

Then you can deploy it to all machines.

This means that DLL's are only built once on one machine. I don't know if this only works for Windows. But I'm pretty sure I've seen it with my own eyes.

Sunday, 25 January 2009

upgrade mayhem

So, I'm backing up for a big upgrade that is going on at the moment. Despite getting the table conversions wrong twice, we came across a good error. this is one that many people could get.

During the TC workbench, the TC UBE's run on the server. They use the PS DD, which may have different display decimals to the real DD. Now, here comes the funky bit. When the DD items are cached in the DDDICT, DDTEXT and GLBLTBL files on the server, they cache the pristine version. Note I also think that although you use the PS pathcode, because (on our system) PD812 was the default pathcode - these values were cached under the PD pathcode.

So, we've got prisine DD items cached against the PD812 pathcode. When users are testing all of the display decimals for entered data were all wrong!

All we needed to do is stop services on the ent server and delete the dddict, ddtext and glbltbl cache.

Start it back up, and everything worked like a peach. Note that this was also affecting cache repositories and creating strange errors with "Check Price".

Friday, 16 January 2009

outlook type ahead

Did you create a new profile and lose all your type ahead info? Easy to fix, goto C:\Users\shannon\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook (for vista) and you'll see the .nk2 files which store all of the type-ahead information. Just cut, paste, copy or delete what you need in there.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

DLL locked by what?

I could not upgrade WAS61 because there was a dll (WASServiceMsg.dll) is locked. This ended up stopping the install of the fix pack. This also made the autorecovery stop working. So I had to delete the entire installation of all 3 base products and start again - happy! No!!!

So I reinstalled everything and restarted the machine and tried to delete the WASServiceMsg.dll from the appserver\bin dir to ensure that the update would apply (this is what it could not do last time). I could not delete the file.

I downloaded a tool from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx which is totally awesome. It shows lots of nerdy information about all of the processes that are loaded up, and allows you to search for DLLs in that information.

I found that the wmiprvse process was locking this DLL. This is a low level process which allows you get get all of the WMI information out of them. Obviously IBM is allowing the service to get information from WebSphere - but it's being locked.

known issue from IBM

Resolving the problem
If you have WebSphere Application Server running as a service to start automatically, change this to start manually. Then reboot your machine and retry the installation.

If you do not have WebSphere Application Server set to start automatically and it is already set to start manually, then reboot your machine to free the locked resource. Then retry the installation.

If you are uninstalling and then reinstalling. Reboot your machine after a successful uninstall before reinstalling.

In addition to the steps above, sometimes it is necessary to shut down the Windows Management Instrumentation service after your system has rebooted. Then retry the installation.

8.98 and release 9 links


SOLUTION ID: 201078797: E1: UPG: Links for EnterpriseOne 9.0/8.98 Install and Upgrade Documents

**Updated with MetaLink3 Links**

This solution is a consolidation of links to documents for EnterpriseOne 9.0 Application Release and 8.98 Tools Release.

* EnterpriseOne 9.0 Documentation:
9.0 Statement of Direction: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=702836.1&h=Y  

9.0 Release Value Proposition: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=705454.1&h=Y  

9.0 Release Notes: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=705490.1&h=Y  

9.0/8.98 Standalone (on OAS): https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=705516.1&h=Y  

9.0 Implementation Documentation: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E13781_01/jded/html/docset.html  

EnterpriseOne 9.0 Known Issues for Installs and Upgrades: https://jde.oracle.com/softwaredownloads/ESU/content/documents/9.0%20known%20issues.htm  

9.0 Install Guides: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=705463.1&h=Y  

9.0 Upgrade Guides: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=705521.1  

Xe to 9.0 Consolidated Programmer's Guide: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=705511.1  

9.0 Planner ESU: https://jde.oracle.com/UpdateCenter/updatecenter.asp?UpdateType=01&Release=&HostType=&Query=JL11050&action=search&releasevalue==  

* EnterpriseOne 8.98 Documentation Home Page: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=705514.1&h=Y  

8.98 Statement of Direction: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=702458.1&h=Y  

8.98 Release Value Proposition: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=705453.1&h=Y  

8.98 Release Notes: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=705488.1&h=Y  

8.98 Reference Guides: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=705462.1&h=Y  

8.98 Server Manager Guide: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=705509.1&h=Y  

8.98 HTML Web Server Reference Guides for WAS 6.0: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=705519.1&h=Y  

8.98 HTML Web Server Reference Guides for WAS 6.1: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=705495.1&h=Y  

8.98 HTML Web Server Reference Guides for OAS https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=705507.1&h=Y  

8.98 Web Development Client Installation Guide: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=705458.1&h=Y  

EnterpriseOne Tools 8.98 Guides: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E13780_01/jded/html/docset.html  

Other Links:
EnterpriseOne Tech Knowledge Browser page: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/BrowseResults.jspx?fid=15706.1# 

Media Packs (eDelivery): http://edelivery.oracle.com/  

E1 and SOA (Service Oriented Architecture): https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/BrowseResults.jspx?fid=15678.1  

Server Manager Page: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=747330.1&h=Y  

Red Paper Library: https://metalink3.oracle.com/od/faces/secure/km/BrowseResults.jspx?fid=15575.1  

Wednesday, 14 January 2009


Oracle release information, select * from v$version.

tasklist on windows

This is just like ps for unix... Nice to get a summary of the procs that are running on a machine.